The November 2015 Douchey McDouche Bag Award
As has been a recurring theme throughout the year, terrorists grabbed all the headlines enroute to another bloody month in 2015.
Be it jihadists in the...
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Channel: The Douchey McDouche Bag Award
Every month we select the Douchey-est Douche Bag in the public eye.
A Farewell to Crybaby John
The October 2015 Douchey McDouche Bag Award
Every month we work to recount the lamest of the lame, the douchiest of the douchey, but in the year of 2015, mass shootings by lone gunmen and terrorists...
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Back To School…With a Bullet
The September 2015 Douchey McDouche Bag Award
As the summer came to an end and seasons began to change, it was obvious that even though Fall approached, the more things changed the more they had remained...
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Halt the Press!
 The August 2015 Douchey McDouche Bag Award
As a former daily newspaper journalist, one of the first things you’re taught is: “to cover the story, but never become the story.â€
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We Don’t Need No Stinkin’ Gun Control?
The July 2015 Douchey McDouche Bag Award
July 2015 was a slow month for douchiness as it turned out.
No, seriously!
Unlike the month before, which featured a historically douchey mcdouche who shot up...
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The Massacre
The June 2015 Douchey McDouche Bag Award
Every month we compile some of the biggest losers to flit across the media, knowing that only one can take our monthly prize as a douche bag.
While we sometimes...
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Perverting Our Religions
The May 2015 Douchey McDouche Bag Award
A few months back we learned of an incident that sounded like something pulled straight from our podcast’s “Ignant News†segment.
First reports...
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Freddie’s Dead – That’s What I Said
The April 2015 Douchey McDouche Bag Award
  …Does anybody hear us pray for Michael Brown or Freddie Gray? Peace is more than the absence of war.
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Dispatches from the Bubble
The March 2015 Douchey McDouche Bag Award
In March 2015 there were so  many people who deserved to be  called a douche bag that it  actually got a little crowded at  the top.
We had state...
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Here Comes the Judge!
Historic Political Douchery And Activism in the Courts
The February 2015 Douchey McDouche Bag Award
As the year began and the sun rose on the un-official start of the “Silly Season,†there...
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