The June 2012 Douchey McDouche Bag Award Winner
In June we were faced with a familiar Douche Bag.
An undeniable jerk-off and predator that already had cleaned out our disgusting trophy case.
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Tag: Penn State University
The 2011 Douchey McDouche Bag Award Winner is a Double Douche
The 2011 Douchey McDouche Bag Winner
As Penn State University opens a new chapter in its history by naming Bill O’Brien as the new football Head Coach, we here at Boom Bap Radio unveil the winner...
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The November 2011 Douchey McDouche Bag Award
 The Man/Boy Douche Situation
Here at Boom Bap Radio we work hard to frame our monthly award of douchiness: “The Douchey McDouche Bag Award.â€
Where some months we struggle and pull out...
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